Sunday, May 24, 2009

Day 9: Monday

We had a little more time than originally thought before our flight, so before we head out, we explored some more of Nauvoo (went to the fudge factory, highly recommended!!), and took the Oxen ride.

Oxen are actually Bulls, just neutered, and overgrown a bit. Oxen is more of a title than a breed. The two oxen pulling our ride were so gentle. I never though t that an overgrown bull would be so gentle!! Yet they were.

We had a very level ride, but I could imagine what it must have felt like if the road was bumpy, I can understand now why most of the kids and women didn’t want to ride inside, that is if they had room at all to sit.

After the ride we left Nauvoo, and started reading a book titled “Nauvoo”, which is a story of the early pioneers given to us by Brother Lundgreen back home. He found it among his mother’s effects as she has passed away just a few days before our wedding. We read the book for the majority of the trip back to St. Louis.

We reached the airport, and through some sniffles I said goodbye to my beloved Jeep. We headed up to the Airport and got ready to board our flight.

The flight home was fairly uneventful, looking out the window we watched as the green lush landscape got rockier. Suddenly after descending from some clouds we were back in the Salt Lake Valley.

Jen’s dad picked us up at the airport. Andy wore his cowboy hat and Jen wore her bonnet. ☺

Day 8: Sunday

We spend the most part of today visiting Old Nauvoo. This place is neater than Disneyland.. as you venture along the streets of Nauvoo, very much the same as 150 years ago. It really puts things in perspective when you can walk the whole space of town in just a few minutes. It makes you sort of miss the days when neighbors were just more than those who lived next to you, they were close like family.

We went first to the Family History place to look up Andy’s old relatives. We find info on Lyman Curtis, who was a farmer and a former president of the seventies (we went to the seventies building and sure enough his info is in there!!). We found out where he lived. It was an amazing experience as we walked on the grounds where Andy’s long lost relative have lived.

There was also Olive Snyder, who had died along the trail. You really appreciate all these early Mormons had to face when crossing the Mississippi, at the widest part nonetheless!!

We went the the blacksmith shop and watched a horseshoe be made, which we got to take with us. We went the baker, the tinmaker, the candlemaker, we made a rope together!!

Andy and I are excited to some day come back here with our children and have them experience the same things, so they can better appreciate what amenities they have now, and know that it took a family to keep a business running, to keep food on the table.

Day 7: Saturday

After checking out of the resort, we had a quick breakfast buffet lunch.

We headed on the road to Nauvoo, IL. We took some back highways up to Nauvoo.. it was quite the beautiful drive. We stopped at a rest station on Highway 66.

Andy filled up at a gas station and surprised me with a single rose.. today is our one week anniversary. What a guy, right? ☺

After checking out the beautiful countryside, with tall navy silos dotting the landscape, and quaint Victorian farmhouses and green rolling hills, we finally made it to Nauvoo. Mind you, we are Utahns.. our idea of a big river is the Colorado. The Mississippi makes the Colorado look like a sad little creek. It was massive!!

We had our VZ Navigator tuned to Nauvoo, so we thought it would be a good idea to turn off into a small park and try to locate the Ellis Sanders home.. the B&B we were staying for the night. We put in the coordinates, and it said “you have reached your destination.” We were SURE that we hadn’t, so we drove around a bit, and sure enough, right where we pulled off was in fact the Ellis Sanders home.

For some reason they didn’t keep our reservation. They said they didn’t hear from us and thus canceled our reservations. Thankfully the log cabins where we had reservations the next day could extend our stay another night.

Let me tell you the Nauvoo cabins is the place to stay!! It really adds to the pioneer experience. There is small little bathroom with a old-time tub, and bunk beds and a larger bed. All the cabins come with their own history.

The family that stayed in ours was the Van Vleet family who lived out in Wyoming. We read their story together, and saw the family pictures on the wall.

We both decided to have a pioneer night. No internet (even though we did have access), and no tv. Just the fridge and microwave because let’s face it.. Andy has to keep his insulin cold and we didn’t have a stove.

We had dinner at the Nauvoo hotel. Man it was the best buffet ever.. they had steak, yams, green bean casserole and cherry cobbler.

After that we went to go see the Nauvoo Temple. The feeling of overcoming joy and happiness that you get at the temple is overwhelming. It’s gorgeous, and by far my most favorite temple. Andy explained the significance to the symbology of the many different symbols such as the five pointed stars and the sunbeams.

We went into town and found an old-time store. We bought games like hoops and fox & geese and played those games back at the cabin. It was an incredible bonding experience!!

Day 6: Friday

Today was full of fun.. and a little sickness..

We started off the day going to breakfast, and then hitting the Spirit of the Dance Irish show. The theater was beautiful!!

The show was amazing and full of energy. We had great seats too, right up front, center row.

After the show, we went to the Hollywood wax museum. We’ve both never been to one, and it seemed like a fun idea. We had too much fun taking pictures..

All the lights and photography did a number on Jen, and she got a bad migraine. However she really wanted to go see the Titanic museum.. so with her last ounce of energy we went to the museum to check it out and see what it was all about.

Sadly, we couldn’t take pictures inside.. but it was a very insightful experience. You start off learning on how they built the ship (did you know it took lots of soap to get it pulled out of the harbor? Yeah! They used soap!!). Then they showed how the crew lived, and the passengers were boarded. The passenger quarters were very small.. even for first class. Surprisingly, even if they were third class/second class/ first class, they were all treated like royalty. The best way to describe the difference is how we treat first class/business class as opposed as coach passengers on an airplane.

They had a special section on the movie. It was neat to see Rose’s dress (the famous red one), and the different big hats used in the film.

Afterwards, they talked about the sinking. They have a bin of water at the same temperature that the water was on that fateful night. Given that I had a fever right about this time (stupid migraine), it felt great to me. But yeah, after five minutes of that water, I can see how someone could pass away fairly quickly. Did you know that after the boat sunk there was about a 45- 1 hour wait until the boats came to rescue them? They said that after 5 minutes in that water one can’t talk and think coherently, and after 30 minutes, people are so cold they pass away. Sad, ain’t it?

They last take you into a memorial room, and you can see all the names of the people who have died. It was interesting to find out threat the first newspapers that came out after the disaster said “Titanic Sunk, all saved”? It really puts the news in a new perspective. How sad and scary it must have been to have relatives on the Titanic and not knowing who lived and who didn’t.

We spent the rest of the day at the hotel. It took some time for Jen’s fever to go back down.

Day 5: Thursday

Day 5: Thursday

Early this morning we got ready for the Yakov Smirnoff show. We had a bit of a problem with the tickets, so we called into the theater to get them straightened out. It’s funny, you call into the show and Yakov answers “This is Yakov..” with a pause. Then when you feel like he’s really on the phone he leads you in the phone system.

The Yakov show was probably our favorite show yet.

One of the ladies (Susan), came and talked to us before the show. They said they saw this really cute girl in the audience (me I guess), and wanted her involved in the show. So yeah, I helped with a presidential sketch where I asked President Smirnoff if he wore boxers or briefs.. and then I helped out with a later sketch on stage.

Contrary to what some might think.. I strangely don’t get stage fright. We had a blast!!

We got to meet Yakov and thank him after the show.

After the Yakov show, we went back to the room, and ate some lunch and relaxed. Let me give a bit of vacation advice.. always plan a day to just relax in the middle of your vacation. We were spent!! We ended up taking naps and watching movies and taking more naps. We recharged our batteries for the rest of the trip!!

Day 4: Wednesday

Today was full of adventure. We woke up, checked the weather for the amusement park today, and it said 82 degree weather, humid. Well.. what happens when you are in a temperate zone with humid hot weather? And it's cloudy? THUNDERSTORMS!! :)

So yeah, as soon as we got to Silver Dollar City (it's like lagoon but much, much, cooler), there was a bad lighting storm. We walked from the parking lot to the front gates, in a wide-open field. Now my girl scout training says that's not the smartest idea.. am I right?

Anyhow, we got up to the gates, got our ticket situation figured out, and by that time the storm stopped and we got to enjoy the park.

This place is very neat.. it's like a pioneer village mixed in with Disneyland. There are craft demonstrations everywhere. I believe we went on only two rides..

even though there are tons of rides, we were just amazed and entertained by watching all the demonstrations.

We went on a fun train ride that traveled throughout the backwoods of the park.

About halfway through the ride we were stopped by "train robbers".

We didn't find out until we got back that something was really wrong with the train!! It turned out to be an hour long ride.

Andy ended up buying a cowboy hat. Is it just me, or is he a STUDMUFFIN?? I call him the Stetson Man.. lol..

After the park we had tickets to go on the Branson Belle Cruise. We couldn't find the loading dock. They had to hold the boat for us!! We boarded an hour late!! But thankfully they rushed us on board and we took off.

The ship was AMAZING!! It makes me ache for a real cruise (hint, hint Andy...). I highly suggest everyone in his or her life take a river cruise, it was highly enjoyable.

After we got back to the hotel at night, we relaxed a bit. I was out walking and a fox came running up to me. This is a wild fox mind you. At any rate, it came up to me, sniffed me, and I wasn't sure what to do.. (like... does it have rabies??), so I just turned and walked away. I think it was looking for handouts.

Around 9:30 at night we started to get a severe thunderstorm. On the news on every station there was a Tornado alert. There are white foghorn-like stands in town. We heard them earlier today.. we think they were tornado warning horns they were testing. We just had a really nasty storm.. thankfully we didn't wake up in Oz.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Day 3: Tuesday

Well.. that does it. By the end of the evening we both have a southern accent. :)

At any rate, we spent the morning going through the timeshare presentation. It was really neat to see the upgraded rooms, with the plasma tvs and stainless steel appliances.

Afterwards, we explored the grounds here at the resort a bit. We went mini golfing here at the resort. The course looked abandoned for years, so that made it a bit challenging.

We went out to eat at Shoney's for lunch/dinner. Shoney's is similar to Utah's Sizzler, but with great-tasting southern food.

We headed back to the hotel, and relaxed a bit before going out to our show tonight. There was a wicked thunderstorm. There was so much lightning and thunder that it sounded like a freight train.

Afterwards, we went to see "The Duttons". This is a mormon family, who weas featured on America's Got Talent. They were AWESOME!! It's hard not to sing and tap along. They made me want to stand up and dance!